Exercise 13: Using Hyphens
Directions: Use a hyphen where needed. Write correct if the item needs no hyphens.
1. two thirds majority 6. all inclusive
2. one-half of the pie 7. father in law
3. exchampion 8. seventy three
4. self knowledge 9. postwar
5. well loved author 10. Great aunt Kate
Exercise 14: Using Hyphens, Dashes, and Parentheses
Directions: Add any needed hyphens, dashes, or parenthesis. Write correct if the sentence needs no changes.
1. Before people began to clear the forest for farms and cities, forests covered about one half of the earth.
2. Dr. Orzeck he is an expert on ecology spoke about deforestation.
3. People have used wood products since the beginning of time but more about that later.
4. His presentation was well documented.
5. One tree may have as many as forty two uses.
6. In pre Columbian America vast all pine forests were common.
7. Some pines were huge, up to 240 feet tall and 2 feet in diameter.
8. British law see text on page 311 reserved theses huge trees for the Crown.
9. The super straight trunks were perfect for the masts of sailing ships.
10. In 1947 a month long fire in a Maine forest provided a forest laboratory.
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