Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Social Studies
1)  Time-Line Activity
      Worksheet #4
2)  Journal Prompt #1
      submitted to blog
      by Thursday, 9/12


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    1. Jason Pladziewicz Block B

      If I could go any place in the world, it would be Hawaii. Laying in a hammock under a palm tree while looking at the waves would be relaxing. With a coconut drink and a flower necklace, I would be dancing like no one had seen before! I would have to go snorkeling because it would be breathe taking. All the different colors of the fish would be beautiful. The change of weather would be amazing and I would get a sweet tan! I always wanted to go as a little kid because surfing looks a lot of fun and I would love to try it. Someday, my wishes will come true and it will be a great experience.
